After applied bevel and emboss, copied and pasted twice, and merged the three layers.
step 7 of 16
New layer: with pen tool, drew the cable; applied bevel and emboss.
step 8 of 16
New layer: using elipse tool, I drew a circle for letter.
step 9 of 16
With pen tool, I drew and selected a part that formed "g" letter, and deleted.
step 10 of 16
On the same layer, I drew a rectangle and more three circles, to form the rest of letters.
step 11 of 16
Using pen tool, did the same process of "g".
step 12 of 16
New layer: created a electrical current between plug "e" and "green".
step 13 of 16
New layer: using pen tool, and filling with a lighter green, I drew a leaf.
step 14 of 16
Changed the color of leaf, applied bevel and emboss and put the layer behind the "green".
New layer: with free pen tool, I wrote the catchy phrase. Applied bevel and emboss, and outer glow.
step 15 of 16
Just to show how the name would appear on shopwindow: first, the outsource image.