This guide was made for entry: Egg Timer In Contest: egg
Original image
step 1 of 6
First add the numbers for the timing. Created line by typing the numbers and created black lines.
Than warp this until you get the right round shape, erase a little on the sides.
step 2 of 6
Select the part for turning the timer. Copy the thin round line out of the source picture.
Add bevel+emboss to this, than create a new layer and merge these two to flatten it.
Lighten the sides and darken the middle a bit.
step 3 of 6
Create the two shapes for the chicken. Dodge and burn the parts to fit the lighting in the picture.
step 4 of 6
Create the rest of the shapes and dodge and burn a few parts to fit the lighting.
step 5 of 6
Merge the chicken layers and copy the layer.
Plasterize the new layer and set it to multiply. Add more contrast to it and pull down the saturation to make it black and white.
Erase the lower part of the chicken.
step 6 of 6
Remove the egg from the source picture. Copy the background and make it darker + lower the saturation so that the chicken comes out a lot better.
By the time you made this the eggs should be boiled.