New layer: with pen tool, I drew a heart shape. Made selection and filled with red. Used burn and dodge tools for details.
step 5 of 10
Duplicated pink circle and resized a bit large to make the frame; lowered lightness and used dodge tool.
step 6 of 10
New layer: using pen tool, drew a keyhole. Applied bevel and emboss.
step 7 of 10
New layer: with pen tool, made a heart shape again, distorting it a bit. Used burn and dodge tools.
step 8 of 10
Duplicated the yellow heart shape.
step 9 of 10
New layer: using pen tool, I drew the key stick; applied burn and dodge tools.
step 10 of 10
Selected all layers (except background) and duplicated, flipping vertically. Lowered the opacity in 25%; created a new layer, with soft brush and smudge tool I made two stars.