A Work in Progress: e-green Electronics

This guide was made for entry:
e-green Electronics
In Contest:
e green

step 1 of 7

Setting up a layer with a grid drawn on it allowed me to be more consistant with my writing and spacing.

Creation of e-green Electronics: Step 1

step 2 of 7

In the lettering on this, I used the following calligraphy brush.

Creation of e-green Electronics: Step 2

step 3 of 7

This is an example of how the lettering began, calligraphy style.

Creation of e-green Electronics: Step 3

step 4 of 7

At this point, I began the background I used. Using the pen tool, I drew out a straight line half the height of the project. I then duplicated it.

Creation of e-green Electronics: Step 4

step 5 of 7

I proceeded to line up this layer below the first and used then selected the transform, deform tool.

Creation of e-green Electronics: Step 5

step 6 of 7

Holding down the shift key, I selected the bottom left corner and pulled that to the left edge of the canvas. Hit return.

Creation of e-green Electronics: Step 6

step 7 of 7

I changed up the color of the lettering to make it more visible and duplicated that layer. Locking the transparency of the bottom lettering layer, fill with black. Unlock transparency and apply a gaussian blur, move down and right of the original lettering and drop opacity to form the shadow. I did the same with the the other layers. I added a layer above the background and set it to color burn. Choose a soft brush and dark color set at low opacity and brush in the join of the background to add a bit of depth. Group the background and color burn layer and add a layer mask. Using black to transparent gradient, fade out the bottom of the background at the same angle as the lines. The other lettering was done in the same manner of the first.

Creation of e-green Electronics: Step 7

Final result

Creation of e-green Electronics: Final Result

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