First I removed the carving with eraser tool to replace it with the decoy. I could have just added the decoy, but felt that should be the focus of the carver since it was one of the items we had to use.
step 7 of 20
The decoy source is moved in here to be chopped and scaled to put in carver's hands.
step 8 of 20
Decoy will be extended with cloning tool. Shape has been sketched in with the brush tool.
step 9 of 20
Here the decoy has been partially cloned.
step 10 of 20
Decoy is finished here and one of the tools from carver source is cloned out to allow more room for the decoy.
step 11 of 20
Shelf photo with plates is moved in now. After being duplicated, new piece is flipped horizontally (edit/transform/flip tool), then the two are set together and merged. After merge, they are blended using clone and smudge tools.
step 12 of 20
Tiki (idol) image is moved in and chopped to be scaled and placed on shelf. One of the pewter pieces is cloned out to make room for the carved tiki.
step 13 of 20
Here the tiki has been scaled down, and also had shape changed somewhat with the liquify warp tool to give it the proper perspective . Edges are timmed with the eraser tool and shadows burned in.
step 14 of 20
Now the carver's hands and arm are chopped, his shirt has to be cloned a little, and the table surface is also cloned to extend it further to the right.
step 15 of 20
Here the same decoy along with the hammer is brought in and chopped to be placed on table where it was just extended. Little pieces of 'wood' are made from a few pieces lassoed from original source photo of decoy. Shadows have to be placed for all these new additions. I used the burn tool to do them.
step 16 of 20
Two smaller carvings of men are lassoed and moved in to be chopped. They are then scaled smaller and placed on top shelf with tiki carving.
step 17 of 20
Finally, a filter layer is placed over entire merged canvas of brown-gold and opacity is set at 80%. The amount of opacity is strictly personal. The higher it goes, the brighter and more lively it becomes.
step 18 of 20
I thought I was finished, but noticed the plates on the bottom shelf were not just right, so cloned the side 2 plates into more front on views. Also, added two more carvings on bottom shelf. Made the filter just a little browner. Here is the little goose girl source.