This is so long tutorial, I recommend you sit back in your chair nicely, because, this is my longest tutorial so far.
1. First begin by selecting the pill:
step 2 of 16
Put the pill somewhere and then paint the background in black.
step 3 of 16
In this step:
1. Make a new layer.
2. Click on the background few times with different brush sizes.
3. Select all in that layer (marks you previously left)
4. Go Edit>Define Custom Brush, while you got that selected.
5. Click few times over the background with the brush preset you made...
step 4 of 16
1. Fix the shadows (I used black brush)
2. Take a pen tool and select the part of pill (like around, but it's 2D so you can't do it for real)
3. Right click>Make a Selection.
4. Duplicate the selected area.
5. Go Image>Adjustments>Black & White and apply it.
6. In blending settings for that layer check "Inner Shadow" and make sure you put the angle where light comes from (Upper, Right angle in this case).
step 5 of 16
Do it again, just for cool, Cyber looking effect.
step 6 of 16
Make a plate with same technic.
step 7 of 16
Now it's a bit tricky, but find your way with text.
step 8 of 16
1. Now make a new layer.
2. Make sure you have selected black and silver colors.
3. Go Filter>Render>Fibers
4. Use any settings.
5. Now free transform the layer.
6. Bring it's wideness to about middle of the work area.
7. Go Filter>Blur>Motion Blur
8. Make sure you had put 90 degrees angle
9. Blur it maximally.
10. Re size it down and put it over the shell (or the pill)
11. Merge layers that have the blending inner shadows and select them.
12. With that merged layer selected, switch to layer with fiber filter.
13. Take Lasso Tool and right click in the work area, select "Select inverse".
14. Press delete key.
Now the result should look a bit scratched, witch I will show in next step.
step 9 of 16
Now when you finished everything from last step, you get a scratched look, just like this, now you can use some brushes to delete some parts and make it even cooler.
step 10 of 16
1. Select Yellow and Orange colors.
2. Make again the new layer and apply the Fiber Filter.
3. Now it select it and save
as pattern.
4. Make a new layer. Take Elliptical Marquee Tool and hold a shift to draw a perfect circle.
5. Take the Paint bucket tool and fill the circle with the pattern you just made.
step 11 of 16
1. Now, select the circle you made.
2. Go Filter>Distort>Shperize and maximize the Amount.
3. Select the circle again, make a new layer and paint it Orange.
4. Then switch the blending mode to Screen and set these blending options:
step 12 of 16
Now when I have the exploding planet and the shell made, now I will just switch their places because of lighting and shadows.
step 13 of 16
Now the harder part:
1. Take brush and size the default preset to 3 px and bring down the hardness to 0, select yellow as foreground color.
2. Take the pen tool and draw some random lines like light streaks.
3. Right click, when you finish drawing, select "Stroke Path" , Select Brush and check "Simulate Pressure", click Ok.
4. Press esc twice to get rid of the path.
5. Now you have drawn a yellow streaks.
step 14 of 16
For this step:
1. Do the thing with fiber filter again (New Layer, Yellow and Orange, Scale to half, motion blur...)
2. Put it so 1/4 of it touches the planet and delete the sharp angles to get something like an arrow.
step 15 of 16
1. Make a new layer, put it under the last layer and select the ground around the root of the blast.
2. Paint it with dark orange or brown color and blur it out.
step 16 of 16
1. Duplicate the blast with the cracks, make them different sizes and put them on different parts of the planet.
2. Make some of them from top angle, use your imagination, these ones are pretty easy.