Start building using parts from source pic...warp into place...
step 3 of 16
step 4 of 16
step 5 of 16
step 6 of 16
Faces painted using the reference ..
step 7 of 16
step 8 of 16
step 9 of 16
step 10 of 16
step 11 of 16
step 12 of 16
step 13 of 16
step 14 of 16
step 15 of 16
Take source pic, add a Gaussian blur onto it, add polar coordinates and set layer transparency to hard light...
step 16 of 16
Add background "jungle pic" and blur it...leave the foreground un-blurred...set layer behind the straw layer you created...this will create some highlights...
I learn so much from you
(5 years and 3577 days ago)