To get the coloring into the flowers, add a gradient overlay using chosen colors. I used a linear blend mode with the gradient overlay.
step 4 of 7
Take a copy of the sea lion and shape it into a leaf and stem using the warp tool. Then use another gradient overlay to give color to the leaves.
step 5 of 7
Creating the vase is similar to the creation process we did for the flowers. I only did 1/4 of the circle then duplicated that and flipped horizontal and bring together for the vase. I left it the natural seal color.
step 6 of 7
Take another seal and warp it to make a single petal add the gradient overlay. Make two more copies and reduce the size to match your image. The stems are reshaped with the warp tool to make them look more natural with each flower.
step 7 of 7
Arrange all the pieces and merge layers, duplicate, flip vertical to help create your reflection on the black background. Using a layer mask over the copy, using black to transparent on the mask make the image fade as a real reflection would be.