For the face...
Basically I warped the"ball" (top from source pic) into a face shape..and drew onto a separate layer.. then merged them and smudged to get final result.. added shadows/highlights using dodge and burn tool.
step 8 of 13
For the body:
Warped that ball again into
1: Neck, smudged + added highlights/shadows to get result.
2: Body, same technique used to the body.
step 9 of 13
For the jelly fish:
Warped the "ball" into jelly fish shape...then duplicate, twirl the ball to get the tentacles and add polar coordinates.
Copy/paste to create many...tentacles. ;)
step 10 of 13
Final result...
step 11 of 13
Start to add the jelly fish into the image...
duplicate twice..blur the other two jelly fish...
Add an outer glow to all three...
step 12 of 13
Add the lady to the image..
step 13 of 13
Add some highlights using the pen tool- stroke path...
Do this at various points where light is hitting...
then copy merged- duplicate image and add a soft light to top layer with 40% opacity..this will make the overall image more vibrant ...
very good
(5 years and 3560 days ago)Great SBS......I could follow this easily...
(5 years and 3557 days ago)