These are the part from the source image that I'll use to make the face of the Phoenix Queen
step 2 of 30
Resize the beak to fit the area from the nose to the mouth of the girl
step 3 of 30
Use the liquify function to make the eyes bigger
step 4 of 30
Place the peacock eyes on the eyes of the girl
step 5 of 30
Use the clipping mask on the eyes, draw the reflection of the light by white hard brush
step 6 of 30
Put the area beyond the peacock eye onto the face
step 7 of 30
Distort this area to fit the face, especially the edge of the eye, then erase the unnecessary parts
step 8 of 30
Blend some skin between the beak and the eyes, use eraser to gradually delete the overlapping area
step 9 of 30
Use the same piece from step 7, blend to the area beyond the cheek
step 10 of 30
use the neck part of the peacock, distort a bit to fit the neck of the girl, then blend to that area
step 11 of 30
The remaining part of the neck was made by the same way
step 12 of 30
Blend the forehead part
step 13 of 30
Use the neck of the peacock, increase the size, blend to the finished part on the neck, randomly erase some part to reduce the repeating pattern.
step 14 of 30
Finish the forehead
step 15 of 30
step 16 of 30
Use the Select color range function to extract the hair from the source, put on the head of the Queen
step 17 of 30
step 18 of 30
step 19 of 30
Now convert the hair by this steps:
1. Filter -> Stylize -> Glowing Edges: Edge Width: 1, Edge Brightness: 20, Smoothness: 14
2. Change the Hue/Saturation by these parameter: colorize the layer: hue: 185, saturation: 74, lightness: 7 (originally I want to make the blue fire).
3. Duplicate this layer, Gaussian blur by 4 pixels radius.
4. Blend to the beyond layer by Screen mode.
Use Action to repeat that step to all hair layers
step 20 of 30
Change the hue of the hair layers into red.
I won't use this background
step 21 of 30
Change the hue of the hair layers into orange, use eraser tool to gradually erase from the outside to the inside of the hair
step 22 of 30
Duplicate the hair layers one more time, change the hue to yellow, use eraser to erase by the radial direction. Put the flame background to the bottom layer, Lens blur. Change the hue of the body to orange also
step 23 of 30
Extract the parrot wing, put on the top layer
step 24 of 30
Make clipping mask layer on top of the wing layer. Use soft red brush to paint the edge of the feather
step 25 of 30
Make one more clipping mask layer, paint the orange and yellow color inside the feathers
step 26 of 30
step 27 of 30
Extract a part of the fire from the source, put on the wings, use eraser to gradually erase the edges
step 28 of 30
Peacock feathers and mask are added to the Queen
step 29 of 30
Make new layer on top of the hair layers, change the blending mode to overlay, then use the yellow soft brush to paint over the hair to make it looks like fire. On some areas, use the color blending mode to change from red to yellow
(5 years and 3593 days ago)