Mask these people to get a clean cut for use in our image.
step 2 of 5
Spin, the wall to stand it upright. Then cut the window out and spin it back to allow the shadows to align in the image.
Also cut out a few bricks to make room for the guy to hang out the window.
step 3 of 5
Bring in our guy and hang him out the window. Add some shadows to the wall so it looks like he is really there instead of floating.
step 4 of 5
Bring in the meat grinder and adjust the color so that it matches our dark theme.
Add a little blood to the grinder so it appears slightly used :)
step 5 of 5
Bring in the meat! I spun her other arm up and smudged it into place. I also used the burn tool to get rid of the blue traces around her from the old image.
Last, I added a motion trail to her to show that she is being dropped into the meat grinder. I hope you like it.