Used soft eraser to take the straight edge from the top layer
step 3 of 10
on new layer, added and black to transparent gradient. Placed that layer above reflection image
step 4 of 10
cut out flower source and placed it as top layer
step 5 of 10
with dodge tool and small soft brush I made water skin lips around the pad
step 6 of 10
on new layer I selected half the image area, filled the selection with grey, then used add noise filter.
step 7 of 10
to that I added guassian blur
step 8 of 10
Then selected a small part of the image >new layer via cut....deleted the surrounding image.
step 9 of 10
Then with the small selection I >tranform>stretch until the image fitted the bottom half if the image. This gives a calm ripple effect without using a displacement map.
step 10 of 10
I then turned the opacity of the layer to less than 20% giving just a slight ripple of calm water. I then used the smudge tool to give the face and clothing the odd ripple too.