A Work in Progress: coucher du soleil (SUNSET)

This guide was made for entry:
coucher du soleil (SUNSET)
In Contest:
rocks near sea

Original image

step 1 of 9

First import the image. after that cut the sea using the pen tool...
you don't need to be precisely accurate as the rocks are of uneven shape..

after selecting the part to delete go to paths and ctrl+click on path1 to select it..
click on the layers and select the source image layer and delete it..

i chopped of the rock dragon head..but you can keep it if you are a vegetarian....

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 1

step 2 of 9

use the rubber tool and choose a brush shape...and delete the unwanted part and give rocks some shape so they don't look too uneven... here i choose soft round brush... but its up to you..

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 2

step 3 of 9

now we need to add an image to the background...

here i used a sunset scene from www.sxc.hu...

import the image and place it below the rocks layer... name it as scenery.. adjust it as desired

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 3
sources used for this step:

step 4 of 9

now i wanted to add a plank to the image so again i got a good stock image from www.sxc.hu and cut out the small plank from it

import it to our main document by simple drag and drop.

place it below the rock layer

now press ctrl+t and adjust the plank... try using scale and perspective options to adjust it

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 4
sources used for this step:

step 5 of 9

i decided to add a boat to the image...
use pen tool to create a boat and a fisherman

if you don't know how to search it on Google .

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 5

step 6 of 9

select the boat layer and flip it vertically
edit>transform> vertically

adjust the layer and bring down the opacity to 81 % name the layer as boat reflection

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 6

step 7 of 9

now add the filter on the layer
first select the rock layer
now go to
image>adjustment> photo filter

and choose color #fc8546 and density of 80%
uncheck preserve lumunisity

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 7

step 8 of 9

now i added a man on the plank...
you can create it using a pen tool or use a stock image here i used www.sxc.hu to find a image.

blur it a little and add some shadows and hilights ....

i gave some more touches and achieved the final result.

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 8
sources used for this step:

step 9 of 9

The final image

i am just a beginner in photoshop. so maybe i was not able to explain the tutorial in detail
if you need more info on it or want some details please contact me on ankitsayss@gmail.com


Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Step 9

Final result

Creation of coucher du soleil (SUNSET): Final Result

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avatar Disco
Disco says:

Excellent tutorial. Lovely image

(5 years and 3540 days ago)