A reddish brown leaf is lassoed from source and put on a new canvas to be turned into a trillium flower.
step 2 of 12
Three petals are formed using the eraser tool.
step 3 of 12
Liquify warp tool is used on the petals just formed to pull them into desired petal shapes.
step 4 of 12
Petals are merged together (but not to the white background) then veins are made with burn and dodge tools.
step 5 of 12
Leaf is created with a green section from source photo. Liquify warp tool is used to pull it into proper leaf shape.
step 6 of 12
Leaf has had veins added with burn and dodge tools, then a filter of 'noise' (dust and scratches) is added to give leaf a mottled look.
step 7 of 12
First of flowers and leaves are placed into source photo background.
step 8 of 12
White flowers are formed by desaturating color from red flower, then adding some soft yellows/greens over white. Some of white and red flowers are changed in shape using smudge tool. Centers are added with a brush tool, then lights and shadows added with burn and dodge tools.
step 9 of 12
Mushrooms are painted on another new canvas, then will be transferred to the main scene. They are started with a brown section of source to be warped for the mushroom top, and a gray area which is warped into the stem shape.
step 10 of 12
Mushrooms as they were formed with smudge tool. A dust/scratch filter is placed over the top, and a sandstone texture filter is placed over the bottom. Two parts will be merged together to moved to scene.
step 11 of 12
Here mushrooms are being added to the scene. They are scaled to various sizes after duplicating, some are flipped horizontally, and some have distort tool used to change their shape even more.
step 12 of 12
Violets are added with brush tools (these could be made on a new canvas) and a dragonfly also brushed in. To finish up, a lot of work was some with brush and smudge tools to replace out-of-focus foreground. Clone tool also helped here.