The start, my personal photo of my guitar. Select out and remove from background
step 2 of 11
step 3 of 11
Open a new project 8x10 and place main guitar in the lower right corner. fill background with a black and white radial gradient starting from the middle of the guitar body.
step 4 of 11
step 5 of 11
Now take the smart object from your other canvas and place in the layer just above the background and adjust size to fit into position shown. make a copy of this layer
step 6 of 11
With the duplicate layer, adjust size and rotate 15 degrees to fit into the position shown.
step 7 of 11
create layer masks on each of the guitar ring layers and using a black to transparent radial gradient, mask out various parts of each layer. adjust opacity to 75 percent on each of those layers
step 8 of 11
add hue and saturation layer and recolor as desired.
step 9 of 11
using rectangular marquee tool, draw out a bar at the bottom of canvas and fill with black. Place silhouette in desired position on bar.
step 10 of 11
Create a copy of the main guitar and light streak, invert to create a reflection. Reposition to under the main guitar and add a layer mask. Using linear black to transparent gradient, drag upward to give a gradual fading out. Lower opacity if needed. It was at this point that I added a glow behind the main guitar.