Source door knocker photo is liquifed to begin face of dragon
step 3 of 10
Head is chopped from rest of photo after liquify warp tool is used.
step 4 of 10
Facial features and body are started using the brush and smudge tools
step 5 of 10
Work continues on facial features and 'fur' using smudge and brush tools.
step 6 of 10
Details were fine-tuned on one side, then other side of face erased. Finished side is then duplicated, flipped and merged so that sides are now the same.
step 7 of 10
Here the source lion is being used to decorate face. They will actually be the eyes.
step 8 of 10
White has been added with soft airbrush to decorate head, and body is brushed in, making it smaller as it goes back to show perspective. Small duplications of the source lion will be used to decorate the body, then color changed with hue/saturation tool. A background with oriental building is used here, but will be changed as I go on.
step 9 of 10
More trim has been added to face and robe and the colors have been brightened up as well.
step 10 of 10
Mouth has been finished and a orange/purple gradient layer has been added over fireworks, then opacity lowered to around 30% to allow fireworks to show through. Filters are also added in gold, blue and brown and all lowered in opacity.
(5 years and 3536 days ago)