I couldn't get the links and all to upload with the image, so i'll post them all here, and in my comment area as well. this image took 7 times of trying to upload before i got tired and just didn't do any more description and links in it.
This image is of my own STOCK, photo taken by me. this is the uncut version of the photo..taken during a lightening storm
step 2 of 3
Source image after i changed the hue and saturation, added some arcane circles, and a glow around that.
first link is to the arcane circle brushes.
second link is to the glow brushes
after placing book in her arms... shadowing and such was done. background was added after this, and built up by four layers. (background, moon, layer of cloud copied from the background, then bats)
first link....moon brushes
second link...bat brushes.
third link...the lovely Razor Candi at deviant art all "bewitchy"