Rooster is liquified (warp tool) to begin background design.
step 2 of 21
Liquified rooster is scaled to a narrow strip to be duplicated.
step 3 of 21
Liquifed strip is narrowed even more and stretched vertically to fit new canvas size.
step 4 of 21
8 of the elongated strips are merged after flipping every other on horizontally.
step 5 of 21
Merged design is now scaled sideways again to fill 1/4 of canvas, and will be duplicated several times to fill rest of canvas.
step 6 of 21
The background strips are now merged visibly. A few steps later, I will be cropping this background to give myself a longer and narrower canvas to work on in order to add a vase.
step 7 of 21
From a section of neck feathers, a fan-shaped section is formed with eraser tool, then with liquify warp and smudge tools, feathery shapes are started for arrangement.
step 8 of 21
After using smudge tool to pull out 'fringe' shapes, image is cut in half with eraser tool, new half flipped, then they will be merged together.
step 9 of 21
New feather design is duplicated twice after moving it into the background. One is placed in middle, the other two are rotated to fit on either side, then they are merged. This design will be duplicated and used throughout the background, moving them to make pleasing design as flowers are inserted.
step 10 of 21
I wanted a Single feather to use as 'line material' for my arrangement, so created it from center of previous feather work with smudge and eraser tools.
step 11 of 21
Single feather is duplicated and added to arrangement using rotate tool to fit design. These feather designs are not merged together with background, in order to be able to move them later.
step 12 of 21
Three different kinds of flowers were created from the rooster's comb. This is the first, using liquify warp tool to pull out little blossoms, then smudge and eraser tools to complete the shapes. Yellow centes are added with brush tool.
step 13 of 21
The flower design is straightened out now with liquify warp tool, and then duplicated several times. One duplication is flipped and joined to first piece, then the other two are scaled narrower and added to each side to create 3D effect.
step 14 of 21
This flower now created is actually called 'Cockscomb' and is made easily by cloning from the cock's comb. The base is shaped with the eraser tool and darkened with the burn tool. Two additional flowers will be duplicated, then the three placed at the focal point of the arrangement. Leaves are added with the brush tool.
step 15 of 21
The third flower is also created from the cockscomb and will be color changed to several shades of red before adding to stems and leaves (created with brush tool). Smudge and eraser tools are used to make this lily.
step 16 of 21
The lily has been duplicated, are added in pleasing design, and leaves are started. Flowers should not be merged, except to the stems and leaves.
step 17 of 21
To make the vase, the roosters neck feathers are lassoed and shaped into interesting shape. The liquify bloat tool was used to design the vase. This will become the top of the vase, will be duplicated and flipped for vase bottom, and the two will be merged. Sandstone texture filter is used to textureize it.
step 18 of 21
Most of leaves have been added to lilies, and the vase has been shaped a little more with eraser tool. The wrinkled cloth is inserted at bottom, using eraser tool to cut away around wrinkles at back and also in front of the base. Burn tool adds shadows where needed.
step 19 of 21
Cockscomb and spikey flowers are now inserted into the design, with some color changes being made to set them apart from each other. Some are moved to layers behind other flowers just as they would be in a flower arrangement.
step 20 of 21
After final work on shadows within and around flowers, a dark red filter is added after doing a visible merge of the entire piece. Filter is lowered in opacity to 15%
step 21 of 21
Wrinkled fabric source photo; the address here is the licensing source.
OMG, this is are a photoshop witch ......LOL,....
(5 years and 3485 days ago)nice idea
(5 years and 3483 days ago)good job.Fantastic
(5 years and 3475 days ago)