Bring two copies of the masked image of the back of the man on separate layers. Scale each of them differently (but porportionately). Moved them to where I think they will go
step 4 of 17
On a separate layer (below both of the men's layers), drew three lines. The first one goes through where I estimate the eyes are on one of the men. I then moved the second man so that his eyes were also on this line. I then, drew lines connecting the the top of the head of each man as well as the heels of each man.
step 5 of 17
Extended the lines at the head and feet to a vanishing point that is off the canvas. All added a line (the blue one) for where I want the ground plane to change to the sky's plane.
step 6 of 17
Now bring the masked copy of the front of the man. Scale him and place him with his eyes on the same line as the eyes of the other two. From here on out ALWAYS keep the eyes on the this same line no matter how the layer is scaled.
Copy and scale the back of man image. Relocate but always keep the "eyes" on the line.
step 8 of 17
Brought in the "Cracked Earth" texture Jpeg. Transformed it using the perspective option. Unsaturated it with Shift +Ctrl+U. Then faded the unsaturation with Shift +Ctrl+ F. Lowered the opacity and changed the mode to Color while in the Fade options dialog box.
Add a dark blue layer above the clouds and set the blend mode to color.
step 13 of 17
Darkened the whole Back ground (ground and sky) with a curves adjustment layer.
step 14 of 17
The men looked too light. So I adjusted them with curves too.
step 15 of 17
Masked the grass layer so the cracked earth shows through. The adjusted the maske of all of the men at the heels so the grass would come up.
step 16 of 17
Had to resize the cracked earth layer--it was too big. Also adjusted the front facing guy with a curves layer. To get him to glow, I put a layer of white above him and set the blend mode to overlay and gave it a feather mask.