A Work in Progress: Mutant slug

This guide was made for entry:
Mutant slug
In Contest:
banana slug

Original image

step 1 of 25

Using Lasso or pen select our yellow slug.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 1

step 2 of 25

Using color/saturation, set color: +70, saturation +20 to create our green slug.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 2

step 3 of 25

Select placed sand under slug using wand (W)

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 3

step 4 of 25

Again use colour/saturation: colour +55 and saturation +80. Then select another part of our picture. Change second part of sand/rocks colour/saturation into colour: +99, saturation +74, Brightness -10.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 4

step 5 of 25

Create new layer and fill it with 036f12 (don't colour the slug) by using brush. Change our layer setting to overlay.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 5

step 6 of 25

Create new layer, change layer setting to color and paint the lower part of our slug with 0c2f5d with 90% opacity.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 6

step 7 of 25

Create another layer and using 45px brush (90% opacity) and color f3770a paint lines and dots over slug's body. Change layer setting to color.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 7

step 8 of 25

Now we will create barrels. Create new 200px vs 200px image and fill it with white color. Now, select elliptic selection and create ellipse.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 8

step 9 of 25

Fill our ellipse using stroke and copy her 2 more times.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 9

step 10 of 25

Create new layer and using brush create side of our barrel.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 10

step 11 of 25

Copy and past it 3 more time and create our barrel.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 11

step 12 of 25

Again using elliptic selection create hole in our barrel.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 12

step 13 of 25

Now, fuse all our layers and paint it with 0a5f0e (opacity 47%). Then paint front part of our barrel with 119e17 (opacity 47%).

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 13

step 14 of 25

Add square filled with ebe72b colour and turn it about 45 degrees. Add radioactive red shape and merge all layers. Select white outer barrel layer and delete it using magic rubber.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 14

step 15 of 25

Past barrel into our slug picture. Select slug picture and set maring to lower percent, so you will be able to see barrel through slug picture.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 15

step 16 of 25

Erase that part of slug picture that block line of sight to barrels and set mating to 100% again.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 16

step 17 of 25

Add few other barrels and delete part of our picture as before. Create new layer, and using 0cd206 brush create leaking fluid. Change layer setting to overlay

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 17

step 18 of 25

Select each barrel separately and using grungy brushes. colour of our grungy is: 612105.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 18
sources used for this step:

step 19 of 25

Merge all barrels. Then use blur shape 5px to blur our barels.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 19

step 20 of 25

Now, select our green layer, that we used to green our picture. Using a rubber erase green part from our barrels.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 20

step 21 of 25

Select back part of our slug and cut it. Then past it as a new layer.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 21

step 22 of 25

Modify selected item and create a knob ;). Move layer under layer that makes our slug green and dotted.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 22

step 23 of 25

Create new layer. Then using 3bf21d brush create eye. Remember to put the aye under green and dotted layer.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 23

step 24 of 25

Select eye and make it more convex.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 24

step 25 of 25

Add the white line to create light reflex. You can also light it up by change colour a little. After that select out "knob" and delete part of it.

Creation of Mutant slug: Step 25

Final result

Creation of Mutant slug: Final Result

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