brought down the saturation levels, in every color but blue...where i changed the hue to a greenish tone
step 4 of 5
work done in liquify to push out the cheekbones, draw in the cheeks and raise the brow bones... also changed the nose....
step 5 of 5
burning and dodging done to bring out features...give it that "porcelain" look of a vampires flawless skin.
i didn't put in how i did the eyes, and i suppose i should say something...i didn't like the original "green" i was goin with, so i did a color overlay with a deep blood red. then i used burn and dodge over it to give it texture. using the blur tool set to "darken" i soften the edges.
the teeth were done by dodging out the shadows, and smudging til i got the sharp point i was wanting.