Make new layer and fill with this color (8f681e)
Give the layer still Stroke
Size 51
Position inside
Blend mode normal
Opacity 100
Fill type color 341d03
step 2 of 9
Make new layer and add the photo from the contest
Give the layer Drop shadow
Blend mode multiply
Color 000000
Opacity 75%
Angle 139
Distance 127
Spread 0
Size 65
step 3 of 9
Make new layer and fill it with color (fb0505)
Make the layer opacity 50% and the layer mood (multiply)
step 4 of 9
Make new layer and fill it with color (fbf901)
Make the layer opacity 50% and the layer mood (multiply)
step 5 of 9
Make new layer and fill it with color (36fb01)
Make the layer opacity 50% and the layer mood (multiply)
step 6 of 9
Make new layer and fill it with color (fb7d01)
Make the layer opacity 50% and the layer mood (multiply)
step 7 of 9
Make new layer and duplicate the photo from the contest and make filter/charcoal
Charcoal thickness 5
Detail 3
Light/dark balance 100
Foreground color 000000
Background color fffffff
step 8 of 9
Make new adjustment layer/brightness-contrast
Brightness 78
Contrast -14
You have to remove the brightness and contrast from the first layer on (step 1)
step 9 of 9
Make new layer and fill it with color (ffffff)
Make the opacity (50%)
Make the layer mood (linear burn)
Make filter /render/lighting effects
Style blue omni
Negative 85
Color ffffff