This guide was made for entry: My song In Contest: cubism
step 1 of 9
I opened a blank sheet in PS, filled it with some colour and created the main construction of the picture.
step 2 of 9
I made a frame around the elliptical shape in the middle, filled the outer part with a pattern and then adjusted fill, opacity and blending options.
step 3 of 9
I made a few simple drawings using only PS tools.
step 4 of 9
I lost one picture somewhere along the way! :)))
Nevermind, just one more example of a simple drawing.
The results are pasted onto the original sheet and they looked somewhat like this!
step 5 of 9
After arranging the background details, I opened a flickr picture of a woman with a guitar in a separate window and roughly erased the extra parts. VERY roughly! It's cubism after all, aye?! :D
I even used a low-res photo to get a less realistic picture!
2) I used "levels" and "shadow/highlight" options to adjust the colour a little
3)I added a few photo filters (deep emerald, deep blue, sepia..) just to level the colours
4) I added a 3px line around the model (stroke option; linear dodge)
Along the way, i also "ugly-fied" the background with different brushes
Finally, I used the liquify tool to enlarge some parts of her body (lips, knees etc.) and then applied sponge and water-colour tool, again, to achieve a less realistic look of her skin!
step 7 of 9
Finally, I continnued experimenting with colours until i achieved the desired result.
After that, I flattened the image and cropped and pasted (distorted, warped etc.) a few more parts.