Place cliff image with source. The cliff image was originally much lighter than the source so I had to tweak the lighting with curves and duplicating the layer.
step 2 of 9
Place second cliff. (proportion and perspective wary)
step 3 of 9
Place rope bridge.
The people on the bridge and the proportion of the cliff on the right helped with the placement.
I could match the size of the people from the source to those on the bridge and the general width of the bridge to the rocks from the cliff on the right.
step 4 of 9
Placement of the machines.
I wanted to create a kind of machine control/patrol. So I thought placing them above the people looking down would do this.
This is also how I came up with the title.
step 5 of 9
Darkened the lower cliff face to reflect the amount of daylight.
step 6 of 9
Lighting on the street lamps.
This was done on 2 layers. The first layer, using a light brush to illuminate the light source and the 2nd layer, using a feathered, straight lasso for the light ray.
This was then duplicated and resized for each lamp.
step 7 of 9
Lighting source for the machines.
step 8 of 9
Light rays from the machines.
The most effective part of this procedure was to remove parts of the light.
I did this with the light ray on the cliff to show its form and also the machines position in respective of being over the land or over the cliff.
step 9 of 9
Same idea as step 8, splitting the light as it hits the criss-cross of the rope.
This time I
• Lowered the opacity of the light ray layer
• Brushed in the light from the rope on a separate layer to create the effect on the bridge
• Duplicated the light ray layer to match the opacity of the second layer.
• Masked it to where it meets the bridge.