The first thing I did was make a path with the pen tool, and then create a selection using that path.
step 2 of 9
Then I added a gradient inside of that selection on a separate layer.
step 3 of 9
Then using the smudge tool a created the waves shape in the picture.
step 4 of 9
After the stock photo was brought into Photoshop, I copied the waves shape over to the picture. Then I duplicated the layer three times and changed the color of each shape with the Hue/Saturation palette.
step 5 of 9
Using the Free Transform tool and the Perspective Transform tool I positioned the shapes where I wanted. After in position I used a soft eraser tool to make the fingers more visible.
step 6 of 9
Then I applied a Cutout filter to each individual layer.
step 7 of 9
After merging all of the layers, I then applied a Poster Edges filter to the image.
step 8 of 9
Using the Color Range selection, I selected all of the prominent colors and then copy and pasted them to their own layers.
step 9 of 9
Then I went to the Blending Options of each layer and applied the same settings for each to give each layer more depth.