A Work in Progress: Mars Space Station Booth

This guide was made for entry:
Mars Space Station Booth
In Contest:
ticket machines

Original image

step 1 of 59

My Drawing I did a while ago

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 1

step 2 of 59

Throughout the process I just selected with the pen tool or the quick selection tool and then selected my source image then pasted it into place while then erasing around the mask areas as you will see with this whole project. Along with burning and dodging with shadows and high lights

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 2

step 3 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 3

step 4 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 4

step 5 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 5

step 6 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 6

step 7 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 7

step 8 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 8

step 9 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 9

step 10 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 10

step 11 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 11

step 12 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 12

step 13 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 13

step 14 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 14

step 15 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 15

step 16 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 16

step 17 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 17

step 18 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 18

step 19 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 19

step 20 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 20

step 21 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 21

step 22 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 22

step 23 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 23

step 24 of 59

Here I added a slight filter to give a bit of noise and sharpness using topaz

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 24

step 25 of 59

chop out this area alone for the pants area

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 25

step 26 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 26

step 27 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 27

step 28 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 28

step 29 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 29

step 30 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 30

step 31 of 59

Chopped out a small area with button on the machine then made new adjustment layer with black/white while inverted for the lower half of the outside leg areas.

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 31

step 32 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 32

step 33 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 33

step 34 of 59

the other areas of the legs I just made a new duplicate layer then I selected all and pasted in the chest area for the same color for the legs area

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 34

step 35 of 59

Time to pen tool to the face areas

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 35

step 36 of 59

Decided to instead select the entire head then make a duplicate of the head only then exposure pure black

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 36

step 37 of 59

Then I use the window looking area of the ticket booth to start on the helmet area of the head

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 37

step 38 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 38

step 39 of 59

now for the window area of the machine

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 39

step 40 of 59

took the window area of the machine and scrunch it down and distorted it then duplicate it for the start of the helmet areas

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 40

step 41 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 41

step 42 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 42

step 43 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 43

step 44 of 59

Once I had a few added together from the top of the head I applied the same to the bottom using the warp and distort tool then burn/dodge/blend together

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 44

step 45 of 59

Next I use the buttons on the bottom of the machine to make the neck bolt areas while using perspective/distort and warp tools

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 45

step 46 of 59

Next I select the neck area and again selecting the entire given source pic from pxleyes I paste into place and move it around till I find some area that looks good for the neck

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 46

step 47 of 59

Once I have the neck complete and burn it a bit I use a nice dodge/shadow to make the upper portion of the helmet area and blend more on the bolts etc.

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 47

step 48 of 59

Crop out the ticket booth area using perspective to make it a bit more straight

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 48

step 49 of 59

Get rid of the background areas using the pen tool and soft brush around it

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 49

step 50 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 50

step 51 of 59

Here I crop out a bit straighter for the space station logo for the ground that I use perspective and distort to put on the ground with the ticket booths

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 51

step 52 of 59

Next I take the mars looking desert and duplicate it giving one a desaturated and then adjust color

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 52
sources used for this step:

step 53 of 59

Next I add in both a blue gray and a earth-tone color for the entire unit

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 53

step 54 of 59

next add in the tie fighters

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 54
sources used for this step:

step 55 of 59

next add in your guy above your color pallet blue-gray adjustment layers and give a liner light to the top one and normal tone to the lower one

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 55

step 56 of 59

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 56

step 57 of 59

add in your ticket booths

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 57

step 58 of 59

next take your launch pad and lens correct and shrink down and with a soft brush adjust into the distance with a slight blur added in

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 58

step 59 of 59

And finally finish it off with a bit of blur some more burn and dodging and have fun :)

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Step 59

Final result

Creation of Mars Space Station Booth: Final Result

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avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Gee, I don't think you put enough steps in it

(5 years and 3507 days ago)