A Work in Progress: gun fire

This guide was made for entry:
gun fire
In Contest:
action scenes

step 1 of 4

for background ,use box then copy it by shift key.after that use of boolean cut it to make a wall. add material on it then use of plane make floor add material on it

Creation of gun fire: Step 1
sources used for this step:

step 2 of 4

with the help of torus and its copies make target point

Creation of gun fire: Step 2

step 3 of 4

with line and lathe tool make vase and give fire effect on it(helper>atmospheric apparatus>cylgizmo)

Creation of gun fire: Step 3

step 4 of 4

with help of line and lathe modifier, make bullet and give golden material on it.

Creation of gun fire: Step 4

Final result

Creation of gun fire: Final Result

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