the lion picture i used, thanks to rammkitty-stock
step 5 of 15
i used the eraser to shape the lions mane
step 6 of 15
i then used two different soucre images to get the fur for the arms, thanks to NefaroStock and rensstocknstuf. These two images where used again later in the process, i will mention when
using a photo of the thundercats symbol i took i added a layer of brush colour
step 14 of 15
i then copied that layer to the image
step 15 of 15
i then moved liono into position, croped the image and played around with lighting and and lens flares. there might be a couple of small details that i have missed but i have this gives you the idea. thanks
the image of the desert is my own photo
(5 years and 3443 days ago)