Source photo 'A Special Gift' from former PST contest
step 2 of 12
Liquify warp tool is used to change shapes into dogwood flowers
step 3 of 12
Large flower is duplicated and color added with brush tool.
step 4 of 12
Another flower has been duplicated and added, then some shadows with burn tool.
step 5 of 12
I have decided to do an upright composition. Here the background is started by making a duplicate of project so far, then using liquify warp tool to swirl it into an interesting pattern.
step 6 of 12
Next I created a pattern from the small section of lace in the source by using edit/define pattern. Then a new layer was made using this pattern, then opacity was lowered to allow the liquify layer to show through.
step 7 of 12
A container for flowers is made with lace section and scaled to size desired, then color changed with hue/sat tool, and trimmed to look as though it is in layer behind fabric. Sides are burned to give it more rounded look. With brush tool, stems are drawn in, leaves are added with brush tool, and more flowers are duplicated, flipped and scaled to be placed in arrangement.
step 8 of 12
Liquify warp tool has been used next to pull lower fabric up into and over the top. A noise layer is added.
step 9 of 12
To give more depth to the piece, the top is duplicated and arranged to look like folds draped over. Some are lowered in opacity to give more transparency to the drape.
step 10 of 12
Bird source is roughly lassoed and added ready to be chopped and set into scene.
step 11 of 12
Bird has been duplicated then flipped and set into lower left side. (edit/transform/flip horizontally) Shadows are added where still needed, all 'visible' layers are merged, a red/yellow filter is added at 32% opacity, and scene is lowered in resolution (image size)
step 12 of 12
Bird source photo of my own (taken at Creation Museum in Kentucky)