Duplicate the Source Image, and flip horizontal, merge.
step 2 of 8
Duplicate layer and flip vertically, merge again.
step 3 of 8
Hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3 to select all the white areas. With black as your foreground color, hit Alt+'E' and then 'L' to fill the selection with black.
step 4 of 8
Under Image>Adjustments>Brightness and Contrast, Increase the contrast and darken the image to make the pattern stand out more.
Under Image>Adjustments>Hue and Saturation, adjust the Hue, and increase the Saturation and darken to taste.
step 5 of 8
With the Rectangular Marquee, select the center of the pattern, and hit Ctrl+Shift+'J' to copy the center to a new layer.
step 6 of 8
Returning to the main pattern layer, with the Rectangular Marquee, select the top half rectangle, then hit Ctrl+X to cut it, and then Ctrl+V to paste it to a new layer directly above. Move the rectangle down to meet the bottom half, and merge (Crtl+'E')
Apply Filter>Stylize>Diffuse>Anisotropic to smooth the rough pixel edges, and adjust Hue and Saturation again to bring up contrasts.
step 7 of 8
With Quick Mask ('Q') paint bikini model. Exit Quick Mask, and hit Ctrl+Shift+'J' to separate the model from the background layer. Dispose of the unneeded background layer.
step 8 of 8
Activate the center section that we cut out in step 5, and place it at the bottom of the adjusted background pattern layer. With the Free Transform tool, reduce the size slightly. Repeat the adjustments of Step 6 but lighten the layer after adjusting Hue and Saturation. Merge layers and name it 'Background.'
Position the Bikini Model on the background, and under Brightness and contrast, darken the layer slightly.
With the Paintbrush tool, add some shadows under her arm, and to the left of her leg.