First, I made a sketch of the fairy and the cube she is sitting on.
step 2 of 9
Second, I made the hair using the brush tool. I drew the hair, and using the smudge tool I made it more realistic.
step 3 of 9
Then, using the brush tool, I drew the body. With A darker color, I drew the shadows on the body and mixed them with the mixer brush tool (CS5 feature).
step 4 of 9
After that, I sketched out the wings.
step 5 of 9
I made the right wing using a black brush for the outline, and an opaque brush for the inside of the wing. I then added highlights to the outline, and shadows to the inside. I made the cuts with a red brush, and smudged them with the mixer brush tool.
step 6 of 9
Same process for the left wing.
step 7 of 9
Then, I made the cube with a white brush, and added shadows with a black brush. I mixed the shadows with the cube for them too seem more realistic.
step 8 of 9
Using a large white brush, I created the light, and using a large black brush, I created the shadow.
step 9 of 9
Finally, I added the eyes, and the bloody arm to the fairy (I forgot the arm during the process.)