original view of the snail on the OUTSIDE of my workroom window.
step 2 of 6
Original photograph taken this evening.
step 3 of 6
cut out of the snail first using [image>adjust>exposure] drawing around the outline with polygonal lasoo tool then using mask and refining the edge[select > refine edge]
step 4 of 6
Putting the snail in the amber was a bit of a fiddle finding which layer style worked best. In the end a simple overlay with a 79% Fill worked best.
step 5 of 6
this image shows the shadow created by warping a duplicate of the amber image and using the selection to form the shadow shape on the hand with [image>adjustments>Exposure] attempting to leave the shadow light compared to the other shadows because of the light which should pass through the amber.
step 6 of 6
using the original snail cut tout I selected a blurred patch of the hand used[ image>Adjustments> Exposure] set the layer transparency to 44% fill on the "Snail in Amber". created a duplicate & dragged the hand patch in between.