First selected(using Pen tool) the girl. And masked remaining.
step 2 of 11
Then selected a piece of ground from source image. Cleaned it using Stamp Tool.
step 3 of 11
Then placed the girl over the ground. I know, not a hard step :P
step 4 of 11
Used the source tree for wooden bark texture. Spread it(by duplicating layer) to make one large bark to fit girl's leg.
step 5 of 11
Used the external source tree root image to fit below the legs. Blended using masking.
step 6 of 11
Placed the mountain image for depth valley feel. Used match color adjustment to match it with other source sky. :)
step 7 of 11
Placed the sky image, and used the Layer mask to blend with mountain image.
step 8 of 11
Used the source tree branch. Selected with Color Range method. Done some fine tuning, And then placed over girl's hand :)
step 9 of 11
Used Photo Filter Adjustment Layer to give a blue tint to sky.
step 10 of 11
Added Shadow, Highlight and shade.
step 11 of 11
Used Adjustment Layers(Curve, Hue & saturation) accordingly over the images. And a last Hue & Saturation Adjustment layer for the final result. :)
Also added few birds in the BG.
Thanks guys for your ratings
(5 years and 3433 days ago)