Petals are created from small section of rock using the eraser and smudge tools.
step 3 of 19
Petals are rotated to be merged into a flower
step 4 of 19
Here the hanging flower is also formed using same section of rock and the smudge and scale tools.
step 5 of 19
This background is started using the knot in the rope, duplicating and flipping it vertically, then color changing it. Next some noise and gaussian blur is added. This background will have gradients, and the tree layed over it later, but will still provide add'l textures.
step 6 of 19
Knot area of source is lassoed and trimmed to be turned into girl's hair.
step 7 of 19
Hair is liquify/warped and a face drawn in with brush tool.
step 8 of 19
Rope 'braided tail' part of hair is duplicated to be rotated and stretched with liquify warp.
step 9 of 19
Gaussian blur at 16 percent is added to soften more like hair
step 10 of 19
Tail has been lengthened with liquify warp, then is attached and merged to head hair. Hair is now moved onto background canvas.
step 11 of 19
Facial features are being brushed in with flesh tones.
step 12 of 19
Some shapes for vines have been brushed in (will be removed), and vines are formed from longest section of rope to form the shapes that have been drawn in.
step 13 of 19
Rope vine now replaces the vine sketch and has been duplicated , and right side has ben filled with duplications of left side and flipped horizontally.
step 14 of 19
Flowers are being added to vines, some scaled larger or smaller, some flipped to new angle.
step 15 of 19
Using the brush tool, the girl's dress and basket are roughly sketched in.
step 16 of 19
Arms and hands are worked on here. (Also, the vines have been changed to greenish hue with hue/saturation tool.
step 17 of 19
More flowers have been added around arbor, to basket, and also around bottom of dress. Those at bottom I will lower in opacity for a sort of 'floaty' feel. A pastel gradient has been added to background. (I will be changing that toward end to better frame the canvas.
step 18 of 19
Flowers have all been merged to the vines, and rest of scene merged except for background. Yellow and reddish filters are added at low opacity.
step 19 of 19
A tree has been added behind with a gradient layer of yellow and red/purple over it at 67% opacity. This background is added to give some interest behind girl and hopefully won't detract from her too much.