A Work in Progress: Portrait of an A.L.F.

This guide was made for entry:
Portrait of an A.L.F.
In Contest:
asian girl

Original image

step 1 of 8

source taken to liquify. bloating done on eyes, pushing done to ears, along with puckering to bring them to a point.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 1

step 2 of 8

burning and dodging to give more depth to the face. dodging done to the eyes to make them entirely black, except the highlights.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 2

step 3 of 8

head extracted from orginal source background. hair removed and skin patched back in.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 3

step 4 of 8

eyebrows removed. a light aqua overlay layer done with blending mode set to color. more shading done on the skin.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 4

step 5 of 8

fish tail selected from fish source, and pasted over crown of head, then transformed to match curve of head using warp. Layer blending mode set to soft light.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 5

step 6 of 8

selected fish fin from fish source, pasted over face, and transformed and warped to fit contours of cheek. set layer blending to soft light.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 6

step 7 of 8

finish covering face and shoulders in fish fins.

use soft eraser set at 25% opacity to erase hard edges from all the layers covering the face so it blends well together.
adjust as needed.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 7

step 8 of 8

added background. color adjusted (hue and saturation mostly), guassion blur done to soften.

before its done, i added a solid fill layer of pink hue as the very top layer and set the blending mode to soft light to give it the extra glow.

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Step 8

Final result

Creation of Portrait of an A.L.F.: Final Result

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