Ok, so this was my biggest project ever, and it has been a project in itself keeping track of all my sources. I am hopping it is ok that I just upload them here in the step by step, but they are not going necessarily be the photos used in that step. I honestly am afraid that there will not be enough room if I don't just fill each step with extra sources.....if this is not ok and there is a different way that i should be doing this so as not to be removed. I would be glad to do it!
ANYWAY for step one all I did was make a simple gradient. For each item used i would just get rid of the background, then use the color overlay in the layer styles to make it black or whatever shade i needed it to be.
ANYWAY for step one all I did was make a simple gradient. For each item used i would just get rid of the background, then use the color overlay in the layer styles to make it black or whatever shade i needed it to be.