first i created a background using a fill/gradient/lighting effects
step 2 of 6
i created a multipattern by duplicating the source pic, transforming, then autoblending, and did this several times to the desired effect...i then layered one on top of the other and blended on difference for color
step 3 of 6
i masked out the bird from source, duplicated and merged.....
step 4 of 6
used shape of birds to mask out a duplicated layer of autoblended source.....placed on top of other autoblend layer and lowered opacity of bottom layer for difference in color.....left masked bird layer visible/layered on linear light, lowered fill
step 5 of 6
duplicated bird, layered on color dodge, lowered fill
step 6 of 6
duplicated bird, layered on color dodge as well, lowered fill