A Work in Progress: Tap Layerstack

This guide was made for entry:
Tap Layerstack
In Contest:
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step 1 of 3

Started by making a cylinder convert to edit poly. Scaled down, inset, extrude. To make tap, create cylinder, adjust size and then create sphere and attach.

Creation of Tap Layerstack: Step 1

step 2 of 3

To make basin i create a box, then create a sphere. Place sphere inside box and adjust so you get half the sphere sticking out the top of the box. Go to compound objects and select boleon (make sure you have the box selected) and then click on 'operand B' then click the sphere, and hey presto its gone leaving a nice shape behind.

Creation of Tap Layerstack: Step 2

step 3 of 3

Place all objects in scene lights camera action!!....

Creation of Tap Layerstack: Step 3

Final result

Creation of Tap Layerstack: Final Result

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