Shader is a blinn that uses a diagonal ramp and fractal to get the pattern.
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Ground created by a plane that was deformed with the sculpt brush.
Shader is a MR MIA Material x.
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Candy cane created by extruding a cylinder along a curve.
Shader is a MR MIA Material x with a two tone ramp plugged in as colour.
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Snowman base created out of 2 spheres.
Shader is a MR Mia Material.
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Arms created out of a 2 cylinders that were deformed and then merged.
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Buttons and eyes are spheres.
Shader is a black MIA material
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Neck Ring is the top part of a sphere, it was then converted to an NCloth that was a little stretchy. This deformed it to fit the body after making the body a passive collider.
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Hat is a cone that has had its base extruded and a sphere added to the top.
The bend was created by converting to an Ncloth and running the simulation.
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Nose created out of a cone that had some edge loops shrunk.
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Sign created out of a cylinder and cube and the text was created using Maya Text tool.
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Snow created using a NParticle emitter set on Thick Cloud. A vortex was then added to the simulation. This was played through and the Nparticles were then converted to polygons.
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Lights created out of a cylinder that was extruded and had the extruded offset increase to create the points.
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Wire created out of 2 helixes. These were deformed using a lattice deformer to allow them to fit the shelf.
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Point lights were added for the lights. These lights were set as different colours. The material of the light cover was made into a Dielectric material and coloured the same as the lights.
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Shelf made out of a few cubes.
Main spotlight added and set to emit Raytrace shadows and caustics.