invert and duplicate using screen blending mode on copy.
step 6 of 10
Take the flame image and use screen blend mode to it once added to top layer. Duplicate and begin forming hair
step 7 of 10
Continue duplicating and warping until you have a full head of hair.
step 8 of 10
using adjustment layers, hue and saturation, brightness & contrast until you get a realistic looking colored flame.
step 9 of 10
take the first layer of flames and set blend mode to vivid light and apply gaussian blur of about 20 and arrange to cover face, mask out what seems to overflow the area
step 10 of 10
Creating a preset for a soft edged brush using the different setting of shape and scattering. This is what you will use to create the sparks. I used 50% gray and blend mode of screen making sure the two adjustment layers are at the top of your whole stack of layers.