Enhanced Christmas Goddess with Levels and added bird
step 4 of 11
Added shadows, reflection and holly (holly was created from branch in her hand)
step 5 of 11
Added reflection with Clone tool set on reverse vertical.
step 6 of 11
Create outline for lady.
1. Duplicate lady layer
2. Invert (Cnt I)
3. Set on Linear Dodge Blend
4. Gaussian Blur (.9)
5. Merge visible - turn off all background layers and the Cnt+Alt+Shft+E)
6. Desaturate new (merged) layer
7. Use levels to bring out lines (take the black arrow way down and adjust to desired darkness)
8. Use Noised reduction filter to soften lines
9. Set layer on Multiply
10. Delete inverted layer
step 7 of 11
Create new layer without Christmas Goddess. Lens blur and mask out foreground to create Depth of Field by leaving blurred out background only
step 8 of 11
Add Rays of light to highlight Christmas Goddess
First Layer:
1. Adjustment Levels layer set on Screen mode. Whole mask should be filled with Black
2. Brush in rays with white and blur (both Motion and Gaussian
Second Layer:
1. Create new layer set on Soft Light Blend Mode and fill with Neutral Grey (50%)
2. Use White brush to create highlights and light rays
step 9 of 11
Original background image. My own photo.
step 10 of 11
Bird - my own photo.
step 11 of 11
Christmas Goddess Stock Pack 3 by Mizz'd stock and Permissions information