The source photo has the fence cloned out to begin with.
step 4 of 9
Man with canoe is chopped and added, some color added to background to that hue/saturation can be used.
step 5 of 9
Man with canoe has been flipped horizontally and moved to right side to make better use of background . The canoe silhouette works better against the bright sky now. Hue/saturation tool is used to give a bluish tone to man and canoe, but is not merged to background yet.
step 6 of 9
Dog is chopped and added, also fog is added with very soft, large airbrush, not in white, but from sample taken from the light background which is on bluish side. Opacity of color is 7 %.
step 7 of 9
Here fence posts were lassoed from original source photo, then chopped and placed at slight angles. Wire will be added with fine, dark brush tool, drawing it to look as if it has been broken and has dropped to ground. This is more inviting to the viewer than having a fence wire which 'blocks' your way into the scene.
step 8 of 9
Finally, with brush tool the three birds are drawn in, two on a limb, and the other flying in, trying to match color to darks in the background.
step 9 of 9
I did decide to add a filter layer to help bring out details better. It is a dark gray/blue at 30% opacity.