Wings are magnetic lassoed and moved into stairs photo.
step 6 of 11
Color changes to wings are made with color/balance tool and with burn, dodge and smudge tool.
step 7 of 11
Wings are duplicated, then scaled to smaller and smaller sizes as they are placed along the stairs and into the distance. They are also taken down in brightness and contrast as they go into the distance. The stairs twist in different directions, so white rails are added where they would show other side of railing, then wings are added on the other side of railing where it has been added. Distort tool is used to change the wings so that some go up and some go down.
step 8 of 11
Here wings up closest are added with more detail being brushed in with brush tools and smudge tool.
step 9 of 11
Next, motion blur is added to the wings. It seems it would take a lot of motion to move these stairs, but I tried to add motion without losing the details too much.
step 10 of 11
Planets and stars are added, trying to blend background colors and planet colors. Stars are added with small brush tool in a couple of soft shades of white and blue.
step 11 of 11
Aurora is added in part of the sky with soft eraser tool removing edges where not needed. A blue filter is added now at 30%