I used a cylinder for the body of the dustbin. I then used boolean to create the holes and made it smooth with turbosmooth.
step 2 of 10
Added a liquid inside and made some trash and put inside (barely noticable in the render).
step 3 of 10
Simple box, spheres and an extruded cylinder was used here. Display image was made in photoshop, check later steps.
step 4 of 10
The wall socket, simple box and used boolean with these edited cylinders
step 5 of 10
The cable was created from a spline and with an modified box at the end (for the wall socket)
step 6 of 10
Wall and floor created with planes. The top + bottom of the dustbin was created from cylinders, edited in edit poly and smoothened. I used one of the original HDR images that comes with the program, and put it as environment.
step 7 of 10
View from the camera. The two lights in the scene were two free rectangle photometric lights
step 8 of 10
The display, created with photoshop.
step 9 of 10
Render with ambient occlusion on. Composed with the render in photoshop.