masking the trees used. I used color range to this purpose to get the details of the trees and then doing blurring on the edges of the trees
step 3 of 10
placing the valley pic to the BG. and still scaling is the main part here and then masking some part to create depht, not to forget to lower opacity with normal blend
step 4 of 10
adding rock to the BG, know that here scaling the pic was important
step 5 of 10
masking and setting the opacity of the rock
step 6 of 10
more actions on the rock and the BG was that adding the misty by copy-paste the morning misty pic, and set the tone for the sky
adding the waterfall by arranging it in the proper position. Still doing more masking and blending setting
step 10 of 10
after getting the desired compo, I placed the bush smoke pic to adding more misty effect and just doing adjustments on it to gain more depht,....and finally merge all the layers, do desaturate, blurring, and set blending to soft light with 70% opacity. Merge the layer again and go to filter > other > custom,...and DONE !!