This was the basic feather, I drew a curving spline and put sweep nurbs onto it with the size gradually decreasing, then applied c4d's feather modifier and played with the settings to get a realistic feather.
step 2 of 8
3 duplicates, sized for a small, medium and large flower and arranged so they do not conflict with eachother.
step 3 of 8
Started with a simple cube then used the bend and brush tools to create the basic shape, after this I used 2 cylinders to make eye shapes and used boolean to get the cutouts.
step 4 of 8
using a b-spline I drew around the outside of this object and then used the "duplicate" tool to arrange a bunch of spheres along the spline.
step 5 of 8
Again, splines, sphere's duplicate tool, and sweep nurbs to give the splines a string effect.
step 6 of 8
The handle is a simple cylinder and to add more detail I created a helix spline and ran it the same height with 1080degree rotation and then applied sweep nurbs to give it form.
step 7 of 8
Started as a disc with cloth modifier, then I applied a cloth collider to the cylinder and helix spline, turned on self collision and ran the animation until the cloth fell to a point I liked
step 8 of 8
This is the set up, the background is a plane with a simple noise texture which has a blur offset on both axis of 20%. Then their are 2 lights, both target spot lights focusing on the mask but from slightly varying angles.