Car is now duplicated and everything but wheels is cut away. Tires will be color changed with color/balance and hue/saturation tools then placed over original tires. Another duplication will be made and all removed but roof, seat and steering wheel areas. Other duplication will be changed to bluish purple with hue/saturation tool. Layers will be merged then.
step 4 of 7
The driver is being drawn in here with a brush tool.
step 5 of 7
The exhaust is brushed in using soft gray and grayish/white, some star shapes added for little cartoony effect.
step 6 of 7
Birds are created using brush tools to draw in shape, then fill in color. Smudge and eraser tools help to finish edges, then burn and dodge tools add highlights and shadows. A couple other bird variations are made the same way, lowering tail, and even removing wings (as birds that are sitting on back of car.)
step 7 of 7
Finally, the bridge scene is added, and is cropped to simplify the background, but still give it the feeling that the car is flying up high above it. Finally, blue and told filters are added over the merged layers. (filters at 75% opacity)