A Work in Progress: Sandy Clowes is coming to town

This guide was made for entry:
Sandy Clowes is coming to town
In Contest:
mixed manipulations 9

step 1 of 8

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 1

step 2 of 8

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 2

step 3 of 8

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 3

step 4 of 8

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 4

step 5 of 8

Short animation with Sandy's head in progress. The mouth eye, pupil, eyeline, etc is each drawn on their own layer.

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 5

step 6 of 8

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 6

step 7 of 8

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 7

step 8 of 8

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Step 8

Final result

Creation of Sandy Clowes is coming to town: Final Result

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avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

So good it hurts.

(5 years and 3253 days ago)
avatar Mad
Mad says:

Amazing! I hope you turn this into a tutorial. You have some crazy drawing skills man.

(5 years and 3251 days ago)
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

It surely hurts hard in a good way.

(5 years and 3251 days ago)