Reduce image size to a square, keeping original height
step 2 of 4
Rotate new image 180 degrees
step 3 of 4
Cleanup image, removing extraneous lines and using perspective correction.
step 4 of 4
Use Effects > Distortion Effects> Polar Coordinates to make final image..
BTW, I use Paint Shop Pro X as an editing software. probably similar filters available in PhotoShop.
After using polar coordinates filter you should clean up hard lines at top middle of image using either clone stamp, healing brush or some other means. Just trying to help
After using polar coordinates filter you should clean up hard lines at top middle of image using either clone stamp, healing brush or some other means. Just trying to help
(5 years and 3282 days ago)Nice effort. I wasn't aware of Polar coordinates' use. Thanks.
(5 years and 3282 days ago)