The body of the guitar was modelled from a box with a few extrusions. I cut a depression into the lower right of the body where the jack goes.
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For the neck and head I also started with a box and extruded the frets.
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Next I modeled the pegs for the strings. These are extruding cubes and cylinders.
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The knobs are based on a cylinder, I modeled an eighth of the knob then used an array modifier to complete it. The scratchplate was modelled by extruding and subdividing a cube.
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This shows the parts of the guitar's bridge. The bolts were generated by the blender bolt factory. The spring is a cube with an array modifier. The thing in the bottom left corner was modeled with a bezier curve then converted to mesh to cut the hoe in it.
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More extruded cubes for the jack.
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This is the pickups and pickup switch, modeled from cubes.
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This knob is to connect the strap to the guitar, based on a cylinder.
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This shows the camera angle and the completed guitar. I lit the scene with an area light and rendered with photon mapping.
step 10 of 10
Here are a few test renders before applying materials. I was thinking of making a triptych.